Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Good Life - Harvest on 22nd August

Today's take from the allotment was modest because I am cooking for one. The green and yellow haricots are just ready and there should be a few more weeks of production from these plants. The second crop of peas are coming along nicely and the swollen pods are filled with the sweetest peas I have ever tasted. Corinne's butternut squash plants are producing the nicest courgettes and there should be more to come in the next three or four weeks. Likewise we should have a few patisson for the pot over the same period. the end of August and start of September is all about the sweet corn and I have broken off a few cobs to keep me going during the week.

The last week has brought about a big change in the allotment as there has been a lot of growth over this period; the result of a good balance of rain and good periods of sunshine. The courgette plants, beans lettuce and beetroot have all filled out and matured well.

View from below showing partial veil and white gills

As I walked home this morning, I decided to take a closer look at the conifers on the route and check out what was growing around them. I am aware that some varieties of Amanita are mycorrhizal with conifers. The example photographed above and below has many characteristics common with the Amanita genus; crowded white gills, partial veil and a volva at the base of the stem. However, the cap is a little unusual for an Amanita as it has a scaled or feathered appearance almost appears to be pealing. I have not been able to identify this variety but Rome was not built in a day and there are about 600 varieties to chose from! As I have mentioned on a number of occasions the Amanitas, apart from a handful of examples, are toxic and in some cases deadly poisonous. They should not be eaten, or picked and mixed with mushrooms that you intend to eat.

Side view of mushroom

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should check out Amanita vittadinii ( page 42 of Champignons du nord et du midi written by Andre Marchand). x