Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Good Life - Harvest on the 6th June

Freshly uprooted white and red radish

The last three weeks have proved to be a period of prodigious growth in the allotment. Along with the growth of the vegetables we have also had to deal with the unwelcome advances made by weeds, which have become rampant in places. While we have been able to take small amounts of produce from the allotment over the last few weeks when thinning some of the early growth, this weekend the strong period of growth has enabled us to take a good variety of produce for the table. Lettuce, mustard leaf and radish crops are thriving at the moment along with the sorrel, perennial spinach and chard. A good salad now accompanies every meal and Corinne has served up nice dishes of chard gratinee.

Elsewhere in the allotment the turnips and beetroots have been transplanted and are growing well. Harry has also transferred his sweet corn from the glass house to the plot and lines of cabbages are appearing in the beds where available space remains.

Signs of plunder in my lettuce bed

The weather has been warm over the last few weeks accompanied and complimented by scattered showers. The Entry into summer has been sudden and the remnants of a cold winter and spring have not completely been left behind. We are still nervous about planting the patission, butternut squash and pumpkin which could be easily damaged by a cold snap. There is a change in the weather forecast over the next week and the weather is expected to become cooler once again. Caution prevails.

Dappled high cloud in the evening sky during the week

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